If a Sensormatic alarm is triggered, it is important to take appropriate action to investigate the situation and apprehend any potential shoplifters. In Georgia, the law allows business owners or their employees to detain individuals suspected of shoplifting for a reasonable amount of time and in a reasonable manner until law enforcement arrives.

Under Georgia law, shoplifting is defined as the willful taking of merchandise with the intent to deprive the owner of the merchandise without paying for it. When a Sensormatic alarm is triggered, it indicates that merchandise with a security tag or label has been taken past the sensors without being deactivated or removed, which can be a strong indicator of shoplifting.

If a Sensormatic alarm is triggered, the first step is to visually identify the potential shoplifter and observe their behavior. If the individual appears to be attempting to conceal merchandise or acting suspiciously, it may be appropriate to approach them and ask to see their receipt or investigate further. The best practice in this situation is a “customer service” approach. Inform the individual that we must have forgotten to remove a inventory control tag and ask them to step back into the store. Ask them for the shopping bag. Wave it through the Sensormatic antennas. If the system alarms then check the bag against the reciept and remove any tags on merchandise that is on the reciept. Thank the customer for their patience. To leave the situation in a positive manner you may want to mention an upcoming sale or item they may be interested in. If the person turns out to be a shoplifter then follow yopur stores procedure. However, best practice is to contact the Police and file charges.

If there is evidence of shoplifting, Georgia law allows business owners or their employees to detain the individual for a reasonable amount of time and in a reasonable manner. This means that force or physical restraint should only be used as a last resort, and the detention should not exceed what is necessary to investigate the situation or until law enforcement arrives.

When detaining a suspected shoplifter, it is important to inform them of the reason for the detention and the intention to involve law enforcement. It is also important to avoid making false accusations or accusations based on racial or ethnic profiling.

Once law enforcement arrives, they will take over the investigation and may make an arrest if there is sufficient evidence of shoplifting. The individual detained should be released if no evidence of shoplifting is found.

Georgia law allows business owners or their employees to detain suspected shoplifters for a reasonable amount of time and in a reasonable manner if a Sensormatic alarm is triggered. However, it is important to follow the law and avoid using excessive force or making false accusations. The involvement of law enforcement is necessary to ensure that the investigation is handled appropriately and any potential shoplifting is dealt with accordingly. If you would like more information on shoplifting prevention please email us at [email protected]. You can also contact us through our web site www.LossPrventionSystems.com