AA blog 12
Loss Prevention Calculator:  5
Can loss prevention be free?:  3
A Loss Prevention Calculator is The Best Way to Justify the Security You Need
If you work in business in any way you are quite familiar with the term return on investment (ROI).  As the manager of a security department I know ROI is discussed quite frequently in various functions of the company.  Whether you are trying to substantiate funding for training, equipment, safety, security or other program, it is imperative to have the ability to articulate the cost benefit involved, in order to get approval.  It is important that you have a good understanding of the product or program as well as a base knowledge of how it can provide a cost saving to the company.  Sometimes this is difficult to do in the beginning because deterrence or mitigating risk can be difficult to measure.  Sometimes this requires you conduct research on other similar industries to get a baseline on their failure or success in a particular area of interest.  Regardless of your position within the company you should be familiar with this process so you can facilitate change, by presenting an idea, which can positively impact the company.  I would venture to say that most companies, regardless of their product line, require some form of safety and security in order to protect their employees, their product, and the public; to varying degrees.  If you are in any business that involves the sale of products of any kind, loss prevention is always a factor to consider.  It doesn’t matter if you are selling vehicle parts, outdoor equipment, sporting goods, or any other item loss is inevitable.  Regardless of your inventory type you will have to create and maintain a loss prevention program to protect your property.  The loss prevention calculator, does a lot of the work for you by calculating your ROI.  Can loss prevention be free?  That is a question that deserves an answer, don’t you think?        
A loss prevention calculator is a simple way to evaluate and calculate the cost of a Checkpoint System.   It allows you to compare your net earnings and net loss to determine whether the cost of your loss prevention program is effectively reducing shrinkage and how that can result in a positive ROI.  Every industry is different, therefore each individual company needs to evaluate their potential loss or risk, so they can determine which security measures are warranted.  If you are in the retail industry and you want to justify beefing up your security to your store manager or owner, or maybe you are the owner and you want to know whether the cost of security will benefit your business, simply use the loss prevention calculator to evaluate your options.  Can loss prevention be free?  It can be with time and careful planning and consideration.  The calculator allows you to simply input your annual sales and your security costs, at which time the calculator will automatically factor in average shrinkage and reductions, based on deterrence and detection.  This will provide you with an immediate annual ROI calculation for your Checkpoint System.  You can use the calculator to determine which security options will work best for you based on your potential return on investment.  You can use this information to justify security funding, reduce shrinkage and increase profit.
To answer the question, can loss prevention be free, clearly it can be.  In time, your return on investment can pay for your loss prevention program, many times over.  I know it has for my company, and continues to be an investment, that I have no problem justifying.  A strong loss prevention program can only benefit your bottom line, so why wait?  Check out the loss prevention calculator for yourself.  See how easy it is to evaluate your programs and determine how security will improve your loss prevention and reduce shrinkage so you can improve profits.
For more information about the loss prevention calculator, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.      

If you work in business in any way you are quite familiar with the term return on investment (ROI). As the manager of a security department I know ROI is discussed quite frequently in various functions of the company. Whether you are trying to substantiate funding for training, equipment, safety, security or other program, it is imperative to have the ability to articulate the cost benefit involved, in order to get approval. It is important that you have a good understanding of the product or program as well as a base knowledge of how it can provide a cost saving to the company. Sometimes this is difficult to do in the beginning because deterrence or mitigating risk can be difficult to measure. Sometimes this requires you conduct research on other similar industries to get a baseline on their failure or success in a particular area of interest. Regardless of your position within the company you should be familiar with this process so you can facilitate change, by presenting an idea, which can positively impact the company. I would venture to say that most companies, regardless of their product line, require some form of safety and security in order to protect their employees, their product, and the public; to varying degrees. If you are in any business that involves the sale of products of any kind, loss prevention is always a factor to consider. It doesn’t matter if you are selling vehicle parts, outdoor equipment, sporting goods, or any other item loss is inevitable. Regardless of your inventory type you will have to create and maintain a loss prevention program to protect your property. The loss prevention calculator, does a lot of the work for you by calculating your ROI. Can loss prevention be free? That is a question that deserves an answer, don’t you think?        


A loss prevention calculator is a simple way to evaluate and calculate the cost of a Checkpoint System. It allows you to compare your net earnings and net loss to determine whether the cost of your loss prevention program is effectively reducing shrinkage and how that can result in a positive ROI. Every industry is different, therefore each individual company needs to evaluate their potential loss or risk, so they can determine which security measures are warranted. If you are in the retail industry and you want to justify beefing up your security to your store manager or owner, or maybe you are the owner and you want to know whether the cost of security will benefit your business, simply use the loss prevention calculator to evaluate your options. Can loss prevention be free? It can be with time and careful planning and consideration. The calculator allows you to simply input your annual sales and your security costs, at which time the calculator will automatically factor in average shrinkage and reductions, based on deterrence and detection. This will provide you with an immediate annual ROI calculation for your Checkpoint System. You can use the calculator to determine which security options will work best for you based on your potential return on investment. You can use this information to justify security funding, reduce shrinkage and increase profit.


To answer the question, can loss prevention be free, clearly it can be. In time, your return on investment can pay for your loss prevention program, many times over. I know it has for my company, and continues to be an investment, that I have no problem justifying.  A strong loss prevention program can only benefit your bottom line, so why wait?  Check out the loss prevention calculator for yourself.  See how easy it is to evaluate your programs and determine how security will improve your loss prevention and reduce shrinkage so you can improve profits.


For more information about the loss prevention calculator, contact us or call 1.770.426.0547.