AA Blog
Checkpoint labels: 5
Stop shoplifting: 3
Checkpoint Labels Provide An Easy And Cost-Efficient Means To Protect Your Sales Inventory
In the retail business we tend to have clearances and sales that include excess items, clothing and other specialty items that need to be removed from inventory. My mother-in-law always hits the clearance sales, looking for all types of items, gifts, clothes and children’s toys that need to go. It is a great time for shoppers to pick up a great deal. This may also include high valued items that are marked down in an attempt to reduce inventory. While shopping this year my mother-in-law said that they had moved all the sales items to the front of the store and were making room for a whole row of new items. You would think that these types of sales items would be low risk for theft, but unfortunately that is not the case. In my experience I have seen higher than normal rates of theft of these types of items. I believe this has to do with the fact that these items are low priority for the store. We realize that these items are significantly reduced in price, and what doesn’t get sold, tends to get written off as an inventory loss. Therefore, we don’t typically increase security on these types of items. They also tend to put these products in areas that are close to exits, for high visibility and access. These areas typically have reduced associate interaction and monitoring. These areas are a low priority for associates, as they are typically already restocking new products, and focusing on areas that contain higher priced items. I have found that the easiest and cheapest way to protect these types of items and stop shoplifting is to use Checkpoint labels.
Checkpoint labels provide the added security you need to protect your retail property, at a reasonable price, without a great deal of added time or effort. These labels come in various shapes and sizes to meet all your product needs. They are equipped with EAS technology, which provide a reliable means to notify associates when a theft occurs. Electronic article surveillance provides an audible alarm when someone attempts to remove an item from the store. Checkpoint labels can be printed in store, to allow for a simple way to price and individualize your labels, quickly and efficiently. These labels are designed for accuracy and efficiency, while allowing you the ability to customize your labels with individualized logos or store barcodes, for a multi-faceted product. These labels can be used on any product to include food items. These labels have a high grade adhesive, which prevents removal once applied to the product. These labels provide a cost-efficient means to stop shoplifting, with little time or effort.
I tend to use Checkpoint Labels for the majority of my retail products, due to the simplicity and quality of the product. It is a convenient product that allows me the ability to customize them to meet my individual sales needs. They come in a large roll, which allows me the ability to simply print the labels in store. I can include my pricing, store barcode and logo, while securing my products with EAS technology that is compatible with my existing security program. They are easily deactivated at the time of sale, which increases customer satisfaction while protecting my products from theft. These are a great means to stop shoplifting in your stores, regardless of the items you are trying to protect. Whether you are decreasing inventory, reducing holiday items, or protecting high line items, the labels can provide you the security you need.
Need information on Checkpoint labels? Give us a call at 1.770.426.0547 now.
In the retail business we tend to have clearances and sales that include excess items, clothing and other specialty items that need to be removed from inventory. My mother-in-law always hits the clearance sales, looking for all types of items, gifts, clothes and children’s toys that need to go. It is a great time for shoppers to pick up a great deal. This may also include high valued items that are marked down in an attempt to reduce inventory. While shopping this year my mother-in-law said that they had moved all the sales items to the front of the store and were making room for a whole row of new items. You would think that these types of sales items would be low risk for theft, but unfortunately that is not the case. In my experience I have seen higher than normal rates of theft of these types of items. I believe this has to do with the fact that these items are low priority for the store. We realize that these items are significantly reduced in price, and what doesn’t get sold, tends to get written off as an inventory loss. Therefore, we don’t typically increase security on these types of items. They also tend to put these products in areas that are close to exits, for high visibility and access. These areas typically have reduced associate interaction and monitoring. These areas are a low priority for associates, as they are typically already restocking new products, and focusing on areas that contain higher priced items. I have found that the easiest and cheapest way to protect these types of items and stop shoplifting is to use Checkpoint labels.
Checkpoint labels provide the added security you need to protect your retail property, at a reasonable price, without a great deal of added time or effort. These labels come in various shapes and sizes to meet all your product needs. They are equipped with EAS technology, which provide a reliable means to notify associates when a theft occurs. Electronic article surveillance provides an audible alarm when someone attempts to remove an item from the store. Checkpoint labels can be printed in store, to allow for a simple way to price and individualize your labels, quickly and efficiently. These labels are designed for accuracy and efficiency, while allowing you the ability to customize your labels with individualized logos or store barcodes, for a multi-faceted product. These labels can be used on any product to include food items. These labels have a high grade adhesive, which prevents removal once applied to the product. These labels provide a cost-efficient means to stop shoplifting, with little time or effort.
I tend to use Checkpoint Labels for the majority of my retail products, due to the simplicity and quality of the product. It is a convenient product that allows me the ability to customize them to meet my individual sales needs. They come in a large roll, which allows me the ability to simply print the labels in store. I can include my pricing, store barcode and logo, while securing my products with EAS technology that is compatible with my existing security program. They are easily deactivated at the time of sale, which increases customer satisfaction while protecting my products from theft. These are a great means to stop shoplifting in your stores, regardless of the items you are trying to protect. Whether you are decreasing inventory, reducing holiday items, or protecting high line items, the labels can provide you the security you need.
Need information on Checkpoint labels? Give us a call at 1.770.426.0547 now.