If you have been searching for a cost effective solution to protect merchandise that you have displayed on peg hooks, there is a new device that makes the process extremely easy. Checkpoint Systems has come up with yet another great anti-shoplifting device that will help you reduce theft in your store. The iS Autopeg Tag is a retail theft prevention device that can simplify the way you currently protect your hanging merchandise. These devices can be used instead of hard plastic keepers, or soft security tags that you may usually place on some items. One big advantage with these devices vs. using soft tags is that they are completely reusable, so once they are taken off by cashiers upon purchase, they can go right back and be placed on the next item. Unlike keepers, these devices leave the merchandise packaging out for the customer to handle, yet still keep your merchandise protected. In fact, they can be used with the same EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) system you already have in place for standard Checkpoint Tags and Labels. That means that the alarm will still go off at the door if the shoplifter tries to exit the store without purchasing the protected items.
The Autopeg tags are a snap to use, literally. The device works by simply clicking the small device on to the hole in the top of the merchandise packaging that holds the item on the peg hook. It’s that simple. Ease of use is extremely important when dealing with merchandise protection, because it will cut down on training time for your employees and device removal time at the checkout. That’s less money you’ll have to spend on payroll, and less angry customers you’ll have waiting in line at the register, which is always good. Happy customers and less expenses equals a happy boss, and a profitable store.
If an anti-shoplifting device is complicated to use, it is much more likely that it will be put on the device improperly, or employees being intimidated to even use them at all. I’ve seen employees struggling with retail theft prevention devices before, and it’s never a good situation. With these tags, you just snap them on, and snap them off, so it can’t get much easier. Not much training will be needed, because they can also be used with your existing tag detachers or S3 keys that you are already using.
You no longer have to worry about where you are going to place a tag on the packaging without sacrificing the brand name or important manufacturer information on your products. This is a problem that I’ve seen some stores deal with, and they sometimes decide to just forget about the security aspect in order to preserve the brand and appearance of the product. They even come in two different colors, which are grey or yellow, and are also RFID upgradable. The durability of the device is what you would expect from Checkpoint Systems. It provides a solid product that makes it very difficult for thieves to get their hands on your store’s merchandise. The iS Autopeg tags are versatile, and can be used on many different types of high-theft products such as batteries, printer ink cartridges, razor cartridges, or any other type of hanging merchandise that you need to protect.
For more information contact us at losspreventionsystems.com or call 1.770.426.0547