The P10 is Checkpoints new workhorse for many Retailers. P10 incorporates a very strong frame with EVOLVE electronics. Evolve is not like any other system on the market. The way any Evolve system detects tags and labels is light years ahead of any other system. Checkpoint’s R&D folks really hit the ball out of the park on Evolve. P10 is designed for double doorways and like all Evolve systems can also host VisiPlus Customer Counting and EvolveSTORE which allows you and your staff to get real time alarm and data to you mobile devices.
Like its big brother P10 the P20 system has all the features of an Evolve system but is designed for a single doorway up to 4 feet. Add VisiPlus Customer Counting and/or EvolveSTORE to get real time alarms and data to your staff’s mobile devices.