Overhead EAS System-4                                                                                                              WC Blog 507
Checkpoint Overhead System-4

Promote Safety And Security With A Checkpoint Overhead System

     What is one big advantage of an overhead EAS System versus a traditional EAS system? You will not walk into the towers! I guess this may sound a little silly to some of you but I point this out for a couple of reasons. First, I have walked into them absentmindedly! I have been walking with my wife and talking with her and I have walked smack dab into a tower. Aside from the embarrassment I was fine but I have seen some other people walk into them and smack their faces. This leads to my second point, I work in a college library and we have two sets of sliding doors that limit the number of people that can enter or exit at the same time to one. Considering the large number of students and professors that come and go at any given time and many of them are focused more on their cell phone than their surroundings, this leads to a lot of “tower bumps”. So aside from my own clumsiness my concern is also for the safety of others, especially in this age of cell phone absorption. A Checkpoint Overhead System can help prevent accidents in your retail business and potentially save you an injury lawsuit.

     Before continuing I do need to tell you what an overhead EAS system is, especially if you are not sure what a standard Checkpoint System is. An EAS system is a retail anti-theft system that deters theft through its presence in a store. A system consists of towers that receive radio waves that are sent out by EAS tags and labels. The other parts of a system are the actual tags and labels, deactivation pads and detachment keys. EAS (electronic article surveillance) tags and labels come in a variety of forms but each type is attached directly to merchandise or to packaging depending on the merchandise itself. The way a system operates to stop theft is when tagged merchandise is carried into the area of a tower. Alarms in the tower blast out a loud alert and trained employees immediately react and determine the cause of the alarm. In the majority of cases it is the result of someone attempting to take unpaid merchandise out of the store. A well trained responder can conduct a receipt check, recover merchandise and/or get the person to pay for the item with little distraction. Over time the savings from recovered merchandise and the resulting shortage reduction pays for the system. The Checkpoint Overhead System operates in the same manner as the traditional system with one stark difference, there is no tower on the floor to walk into (or, as a concern for some store owners, present a visual distraction). All of the equipment is overhead mounted to the ceiling and out of sight for the customers.

     The question some may be raising is whether safety is the only reason I would recommend investing in a Checkpoint Overhead System? No, it is simply one reason that a store owner or manager should consider purchasing an overhead EAS system. The primary objective of Loss Prevention Systems Inc. as well as my own is to assist retail owners and managers in theft prevention and shortage reduction. We want to see stores be successful and grow profits. If theft is left unaddressed it will grow and it can get to the point where it causes irreparable damage that could end up forcing a store to close. Bill Bregar, CEO of Loss Prevention Systems Inc., has an extensive background in retail Loss Prevention having served as the Director of Loss Prevention for national retail chains. Mr. Bregar has drawn upon the knowledge he gained preventing shoplifting and employee theft to assist stores that don’t have the resources for a Loss Prevention department of their own. He recognized the benefits that EAS systems offer in theft prevention and with the introduction of the overhead EAS system he recognizes the benefit to smaller stores that struggle with limited floor space. The Checkpoint Overhead System eliminates the pedestals at the front doors that take up floor space and prevent tagged merchandise from being stocked too close to the entrance/exit doors. EVERYONE can now enjoy the benefits of merchandise protection and maximization of floor space. More products on the floor means more potential sales.

      Safety may not have crossed your mind when you were thinking of reasons not to purchase a theft prevention system but selling floor space may have been. Now you can cross both excuses off your list by installing a Checkpoint Overhead System. Prevent shoplifting and bumps and bruises to customers who aren’t paying attention to their surroundings. You can save money in BOTH instances.
A Checkpoint Overhead System is important and we can help you with it. Call 1.770.426.0547 and let’s talk.

What is one big advantage of an overhead EAS System versus a traditional EAS system? You will not walk into the towers! I guess this may sound a little silly to some of you but I point this out for a couple of reasons. First, I have walked into them absentmindedly! I have been walking with my wife and talking with her and I have walked smack dab into a tower. Aside from the embarrassment I was fine but I have seen some other people walk into them and smack their faces. This leads to my second point, I work in a college library and we have two sets of sliding doors that limit the number of people that can enter or exit at the same time to one. Considering the large number of students and professors that come and go at any given time and many of them are focused more on their cell phone than their surroundings, this leads to a lot of “tower bumps”. So aside from my own clumsiness my concern is also for the safety of others, especially in this age of cell phone absorption. A Checkpoint Overhead System can help prevent accidents in your retail business and potentially save you an injury lawsuit.

Before continuing I do need to tell you what an overhead EAS system is, especially if you are not sure what a standard Checkpoint System is. An EAS system is a retail anti-theft system that deters theft through its presence in a store. A system consists of towers that receive radio waves that are sent out by EAS tags and labels. The other parts of a system are the actual tags and labels, deactivation pads and detachment keys. EAS (electronic article surveillance) tags and labels come in a variety of forms but each type is attached directly to merchandise or to packaging depending on the merchandise itself. The way a system operates to stop theft is when tagged merchandise is carried into the area of a tower. Alarms in the tower blast out a loud alert and trained employees immediately react and determine the cause of the alarm. In the majority of cases it is the result of someone attempting to take unpaid merchandise out of the store. A well trained responder can conduct a receipt check, recover merchandise and/or get the person to pay for the item with little distraction. Over time the savings from recovered merchandise and the resulting shortage reduction pays for the system. The Checkpoint Overhead System operates in the same manner as the traditional system with one stark difference, there is no tower on the floor to walk into (or, as a concern for some store owners, present a visual distraction). All of the equipment is overhead mounted to the ceiling and out of sight for the customers.

The question some may be raising is whether safety is the only reason I would recommend investing in a Checkpoint Overhead System? No, it is simply one reason that a store owner or manager should consider purchasing an overhead EAS system. The primary objective of Loss Prevention Systems Inc. as well as my own is to assist retail owners and managers in theft prevention and shortage reduction. We want to see stores be successful and grow profits. If theft is left unaddressed it will grow and it can get to the point where it causes irreparable damage that could end up forcing a store to close. Bill Bregar, CEO of Loss Prevention Systems Inc., has an extensive background in retail Loss Prevention having served as the Director of Loss Prevention for national retail chains. Mr. Bregar has drawn upon the knowledge he gained preventing shoplifting and employee theft to assist stores that don’t have the resources for a Loss Prevention department of their own. He recognized the benefits that EAS systems offer in theft prevention and with the introduction of the overhead EAS system he recognizes the benefit to smaller stores that struggle with limited floor space. The Checkpoint Overhead System eliminates the pedestals at the front doors that take up floor space and prevent tagged merchandise from being stocked too close to the entrance/exit doors. EVERYONE can now enjoy the benefits of merchandise protection and maximization of floor space. More products on the floor means more potential sales.

Safety may not have crossed your mind when you were thinking of reasons not to purchase a theft prevention system but selling floor space may have been. Now you can cross both excuses off your list by installing a Checkpoint Overhead System. Prevent shoplifting and bumps and bruises to customers who aren’t paying attention to their surroundings. You can save money in BOTH instances.


A Checkpoint Overhead System is important and we can help you with it. Call 1.770.426.0547 and let’s talk.